Am I a good candidate for chemical peels?

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Chemical Peel | Beau Visage AestheticsMany patients come to the team at Beau Visage Aesthetics to address a wide range of skin and body concerns. This often includes patients who want to improve the texture and tone of their facial skin. When patients connect with Dr. Moazemi in Walnut Creek, CA, they are often interested in learning more about solutions for their skin such as chemical peels.

What are chemical peels?

Chemical peels are best described as a combination of chemical ingredients that are applied to the face to help remove dead skin cells and exfoliate the upper layers of the skin. These peels come in a myriad of strengths. A mild peel will provide results with several treatments, and often don’t require extensive downtime from social gatherings. A more aggressive peel, however, will require downtime and healing but can provide amazing results in a much shorter period of time.

Who is a good candidate for a chemical peel?

There are several reasons why a patient may consider a chemical peel. In most cases, they are looking to address more than one skin concern. A chemical peel can be used for the treatment of:

• Poor texture and tone

• Pigmentation (sun spots/age spots)

• Acne scarring

• Fine lines and wrinkles

• Melasma

The best way to determine if you are a good candidate for chemical peels is to connect with our team at Beau Visage Aesthetics. Most patients who have fair skin and light hair will benefit most from these treatments. Patients with darker skin tones and of certain ethnicities may not be considered appropriate for this treatment and may want to consider alternative options. Additionally, patients who are looking to treat sagging skin or severe wrinkles and folds may not see the results they desire with a chemical peel, and instead may be a better candidate for skin tightening solutions and surgical interventions.

Are you ready to undergo a chemical peel?

Speak with the team at Beau Visage Aesthetics to determine if you are an appropriate candidate for a chemical peel. We welcome new and current patients of the Walnut Creek, CA area to schedule an appointment by calling (415) 644-8301. The practice of Dr. Moazemi and Associates is conveniently located in Suite 200F at 1330 North Broadway.

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